Fair And Legal Pay for Household Employees

The Fair and Legal pay movement is a passionate call to recognize all Household Workers as employees in their chosen profession.



About Fair and Legal Pay

The idea of fair and legal pay isn't new, but recent years have seen household employees raising their collective voice to demand the same rights afforded workers in other industries across the US. This has resulted in increased awareness of the need for a living wage, overtime pay, and paid sick leave. While states and cities are starting to pass Domestic Workers’ Bills of Rights, the fight for Fair Pay isn’t over. Further, many misunderstand what Legal Pay really means and the benefits it provides.

A coalition of domestic worker advocates, comprised of industry non-profit organizations, for profit companies, and individuals, has come together to increase awareness surrounding fair and legal pay for household employees. This coalition aims to educate the public, and spark change that results in workers getting the benefits they deserve, the benefits to which they are entitled by law, and the benefits afforded to other workers in the US. The coalition believes that it is far past time for household employees to be recognized for the essential contributions they provide to millions of households nationwide and to be recognized and treated as professionals.

So what does Fair and Legal pay mean?

First and foremost, Fair & Legal means paying a living wage for all hours worked, including the correct compensation for overtime. Fair & Legal also means paying required employment taxes on wages paid to employees. Legal pay provides an employee verifiable income, which can be used to rent or buy a home, purchase or lease a vehicle, or apply for credit. When paid legally, employees are also eligible for government benefits like family medical leave, unemployment and disability benefits, as well as Social Security in retirement. Should one lose a job or the ability to work, these benefits provide a safety net that can make all the difference when times are tough. Don't forget that legal pay is required by law, so as an added bonus you can sleep easy knowing you won't face jail time or huge fines for tax evasion!

Date Launched March 2020
Press Contact contact@fairandlegalpay.com

The Fair and Legal pay movement is a passionate call to support all Household Workers (nannies, senior caregivers, housekeepers, and others) in their right to not only earn a living wage, but also for them to garnering the respect they deserve, as an employee in their chosen profession. With this comes the eligibility to receive the same protections any other employee receives: unemployment, social security, verifiable income (for housing, credit, and large purchases), as well as access to government mandated protections such as overtime pay and time off where applicable.

The #FairAndLegal Pledge

  • Organizations/Companies

    We pledge that as part of our daily organizational practices, we will educate, support, and comply with all applicable fair and legal pay standards for household employees. Fair and legal pay means the observance and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws that apply in our service area(s), such as worker classification, minimum wage, labor laws, and tax laws.
  • Household Employee

    I pledge that in an effort to support my welfare, and the welfare of other household employees, I will only accept a position that grants me fair and legal pay. Fair and legal pay means that I will personally observe all federal, state, and local laws that apply in my area, such as worker classification, minimum wage, labor laws, and tax laws.
  • Employer

    I pledge that in an effort to support the welfare of my employee, and the welfare of other household employees, I will offer a position that is consistent with standards for fair and legal pay. Fair and legal pay means that I will personally observe all federal, state, and local laws that apply in my area, such as worker classification, minimum wage, labor laws, and tax laws.
  • General Supporter

    I pledge that, although not directly involved in the household employment industry, I will support through education and awareness the push for 100% compliance of fair and legal pay for household employees. Fair and legal pay means the observance and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws that apply to a worksite location, such as worker classification, minimum wage, labor laws, and tax laws.

Our Partners

Nannies Plus Logo

Nannies Plus

Nannies Plus is a San Francisco Bay Area nanny placement agency dedicated to creating authentic, impactful family teams.

We are committed to crafting long term relationships between families and nannies that help kids to flourish, parents to feel assured and supported, and nannies to feel empowered and trusted.

We gently educate our families on what it means to be great domestic employers. They can then better support their nannies by offering a legal, livable wage, a respectful working environment, and an open line of communication.

Our nannies can then better support the families they work with by showing up totally focused and dedicated to the important and dynamic work that they are doing, which is offering children happier, more balanced childhoods.

Because those children are the change-makers of the future.

Kim Morgan

Ashley Guertin

Ariel Bouser

Tisha McPhail

I’m a private Nanny for over 10 years and I advocate for this in my local city all the time. We have to ban together or we will continue to allow people with the thought process of I can’t afford to pay taxes or pay what your worth. We can’t afford for them not to!

C. Krochmal

Rlyn Stam

Cate Matijevich

Gwenneth Simon

Lyndie Litchfield

Britney Michea

Owner of Nanny A More LLC

Claudia Diaz

Morgan Lucier

Carol Hayes

Our Team

Rachel Lawrence

Rachel has a 15 year foundation in the in-home childcare industry. She has worked as a nanny, has operated her own boutique nanny placement agency, and as a working mom, she has also been a nanny employer. Rachel served as the Operations Manager for the International Nanny Association, and subsequently as a Placement Specialist for a large agency, before becoming the Agency Placement Specialist at HomeWork Solutions.

Rachel has always been a big proponent of developing and adhering to high industry standards. She holds membership in the International Nanny Association and has also served on their board of directors. She regularly attends, and often speaks at, industry conferences including those put on by iNNTD, Nannypalooza, the International Nanny Association, and the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies. It is through this work, that she has seen the what can be accomplished when individuals and groups come together to educate and work for the common good. She hopes that the push for Fair and Legal Pay becomes the industry's greatest unified goal.